34. Living Your Own Path, Finding Presence, and Diving Deeper into Mental Health with Georgie Morley
Georgie Morley is a photographer, podcaster and blogger based on Nantucket Island. After her struggle with depression and an eating disorder, she realized that joy is an inside job. Now Georgie uses her platforms to provide tools, stories and conversations that inspire joy, intuitive wellness & personal growth. Georgie believes that at the end of the day, we’re own our best teachers and gurus. She hopes to empower people to truly trust themselves so that they can create a life well lived.
-The ways we hold ourselves back and downplay our greatness
-Georgie’s story
-Her new direction in 2020
-Creating your unique path
-The importance of learning from others we don’t agree with
-Honoring your own inner wisdom
-Analyzing science critically
-2020 a time of questioning everything
-Practicing presence in 2020
-Georgie’s experience with depression and an eating disorder
-Using her eating disorders as a coping mechanism for depression
-Community, loneliness and mental health
-Ways we use food to cope with different things and stepping fully into body love
-Purpose and how this plays into depression
-Ways to snap ourselves out of depression
-Burnout cycles and depression
-Fear of the thing is worst than the thing itself
-Problems with the spirituality
-Awareness is the new wellness
Georgie’s instagram: georgiemorley
Georgie’s website: https://georgiemorley.com/
Connect with me on Instagram: madds_baileeyy
Visit my website: madelinebbailey.com
Intro Music by: Seth Francis
Cover Art by: Tyler Colter