98. Letting Go of Your Plan to Make Space for God's Plan
In this episode, I talk about letting go of control and letting life surprise you. I talk about the ways I’ve tried to control life and the beautiful blessings that have come in when I let go of control and how I thought things need to be. God, divine, the universe, source - whatever you call, let go and be open to the beautiful blessings and surprises that life wants to bring your way.
-How you intend for things to unfold & manifestations
-Resistance when life takes you on a different path
-Letting life/god/universe lead the way
-Blessings that come from surrendering to life
Connect with me on Instagram: @madelinebbailey
Visit my website: http://www.madelinebbailey.com
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Intro & Outro Music by: Seth Francis
Cover Art by: Justin Old & Madeline Bailey